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Terms of Use

By using Salyrix you agree to these Terms of Use, which are subject to change without any prior notification to you whatsoever.

You agree to use this service for personal and non-commercial use only.

You may not otherwise use any Salyrix trademark, logo or graphics on any other site unless prior written authorisation has been obtained from Salyrix.

You agree not to copy, transfer or dispense the lyrics to any third party or with the intention of constructing any kind of database driven application.

You agree to use the lyrics strictly within the limits that will not violate any applicable laws and regulations that protect the rights of the of the artists. You may not attempt to gain unlawful entry to any portion of the site or circumvent any system design, which is intended to protect Salyrix content from unauthorised access.

Salyrix is not a profit driven internet resource. Revenue is ONLY generated from advertisements and is used to maintain Salyrix servers and for paying staff salaries.

All lyrics hosted by Salyrix belong to their respective owners and are submitted by the artists themselves, publishers and online users. Salyrix does not permit the distribution of copyrighted material. All lyrics submitted online will be inspected for accuracy before being made available to the public. Salyrix reserves the right to remove any lyrics from its database as it deems fit without any prior notice.

Users are solely responsible for any and/or all the content they submit to the web site. Salyrix reserves the right to remove or modify submitted content without any notification. Salyrix will not be held responsible for reviewing all the content posted on the web site. The User indemnifies and holds Salyrix harmless against any claims by any third parties that the use of the content will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.

Minors (children under sixteen) are not allowed to register or submit content to Salyrix without parental consent. In the event that a minor registers and submits personal information to Salyrix without parental consent, that information will be removed from Salyrix databases without any notification.

Salyrix does not guarantee the accuracy of the content on the site or provide any guarantee in respect of the content in any manner whatsoever. Under no circumstances will Salyrix be held response for any system interruption or downtime or be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of this. Salyrix does not warrant that any defects will be rectified or that the site will yield the desired result or operate without error.

Salyrix will not be liable for the conduct of any of the users of this site. Users are encouraged to inform Salyrix about any misuse of this service.

Salyrix reserves the right to deny access to any user without notice or reasoning.

Please do not use “ad blocks” on this site as our advertisers help pay for this free service.